
Quality of life

One Goal
- Are physical complaints bothering you?
- Do your buttocks pinch, do your legs pull or do your shoulders and chest feel tense?
- Do you do enough exercise but somehow you still notice certain weaknesses?
- Or do you feel mentally inhibited and lack inner security?

I have suitable solution programmes for these and other obstacles which have already helped a wide variety of people with their everyday complaints.

I would like to introduce myself:

Falk Monzel - Your personal trainer

As a certified personal trainer of the German BPT Association, RKC & StrongFirst® instructor and former professional athlete, it is my job to help you achieve optimum physical condition.

It is with great pleasure that I offer you exclusive and customised private training that is precisely tailored to your physical and personal abilities and needs.

Together and with enthusiasm, we will achieve your individual goals quickly and efficiently!


and problem solving

Together we will achieve your personal goals and concerns efficiently and effectively.

You will receive intensive, careful and professional support in customised individual appointments. 

Targeted programmes help to strengthen and balance the muscles, keep the joints flexible and elastic, improve the performance of the heart, lungs and other organs, reduce susceptibility to frequent injuries and degenerative heart disease and regulate emotional and nervous tension.

The success of your programme will inevitably lead to positive changes in other areas of your life, e.g. in your professional or private life.

You will need a check-up appointment for each individual programme package. I will check your general physical activity and state of health. This is an important prerequisite taking past and current injuries, illnesses and concerns into account when planning your programme.

What you can expect:

// Original personal training
// Exclusive 1:1 trainer-client relationship
// Individually tailored programme design
// Independent and flexible
// Unbound by time
// Highest discretion
// Unique exclusivity
// Constant motivation
// Effective problem solving
// Achieve your goals and concerns efficiently and purposefully
// A perfect balance to stressful everyday life
// Maximum success with minimum time expenditure
Posture correction Correct movement patterns
Biomechanical movement school
Become aware of yourself - strengthen your self-esteem
Nadi muscle therapy & instructions for self-correction
Request now


I use all my values and experience to your advantage and accompany you on your way to achieving and sustaining your goals.


Would you like to design your own programme? Find out how:

In my workshops, under expert guidance and supervision, you will learn how to build a safe and effective programme and apply the basic principles to your goals and concerns.

One-Arm Pushup •27.Jul 2024

Kettlebell Statics •23.Mär 2024

Pistol Squat •06.Apr 2024

Kettlebell Advanced •20.Apr 2024

Enter the Kettlebell •18.Mai 2024

Tactical Pull-Up •08.Jun 2024

No seminars are currently planned

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Personal Training

You don't have a suitable gift for your friends, partner or family yet? You have always thought that HE/SHE should start with sports? HE/SHE just can't find a connection to the training?

With a voucher, all that can change. Whether you want to train flexibility, strength, fitness, boxing or with kettlebells, the offer at Falk is suitable and balanced. The only thing missing is the first step. What could be more appropriate than giving this person a gift voucher? Give your loved ones a nice training gift.

The top priority is a healthy and safe training experience.

Just ask for prices.
Request now

Start now!

I am absolutely convinced that there is one investment in life that is particularly worthwhile. The investment in yourself, your health, your body and mind. At the end of the day, we all want to go through life strong, healthy and feeling good.

I give all my values and experience for you, accompany you to achieve goals and maintain them in the long term.
Allgemeines Formular

General information: Enquiries are usually answered within 24 hours. Availability Mon-Fri 09.00 - 21.00 hrs 

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