The Truth
Many people believe that their physical complaints and problems are simply part of normal life and that they have to live with them. But this is not the case! There are effective exercise programmes that can specifically help to alleviate these complaints and improve quality of life.
The truth is: regular and targeted exercise is the key to a pain-free everyday life!
A healthy and active life starts with the right exercise programme. Here are some reasons why exercise is so important:
Pain relief: Targeted exercises can effectively relieve back pain, neck pain and joint pain.
Improved mobility: Regular exercise keeps the joints flexible and elastic.
Increased performance: A well-designed exercise programme improves the performance of the heart, lungs and other organs.
Stress reduction: Exercise helps to reduce emotional and nervous tension.
Weight management: Regular physical activity can prevent or reduce excess weight.
Holistic health: A comprehensive exercise programme promotes general health and well-being.
Call to Action
What I do with the clients in such a situation is to develop a comprehensive exercise programme that delivers replicable results time and time again. Similar to a well-functioning system, such a programme ensures that you can sustainably alleviate your physical complaints and improve your health in the long term.
With targeted movement exercises and professional support, you can achieve maximum success in a minimum of time and enjoy your everyday life without pain.
Click on „Request Now"to arrange an initial appointment!
The individual sessions are customised 1:1 in a personal training session. The specific concerns and health goals are addressed in specific areas of the body to improve overall health and posture. Through targeted exercises and corrective techniques, these sessions initially focus on alleviating existing discomfort, improving mobility and correcting muscular imbalances. In this way, better body awareness can be developed, leading to a stronger, better aligned physique and ultimately reducing the risk of injury and promoting long-term wellbeing.
I have proven many times in the past that I can help people like you to realise these things in a short time!
Within one first-appointment we will find out together how we can apply these ideas in your life to enable you to live stress-free and pain-free!
Your result awaits you:
// More energy: Start the week more energised and relaxed.
// Freedom from pain: Reduce back pain and other complaints.
// Mobility: Master everyday life more easily and pain-free.
// Muscle power: Increase stability and strength.
// Stress reduction: Find inner balance and relaxation.
// Restorative sleep: Sleep deeply and regenerate better.
// Weight management: Maintain a healthy weight.
// Satisfaction: You will feel fitter and more balanced.
// Long-term health: Invest in your future.
// Performance: Improve your efficiency at work and at home.
These benefits contribute significantly to a healthier and happier lifestyle and enable you to get the most out of your everyday life.
Posture correction Correct movement patterns
Biomechanische Bewegungsschule Funktionsfähigkeiten verbessern
Beruflicher Ausgleich Mentale Stärke Traumabewältigung durch Boxen
Punktuelle Muskeltherapie & Anleitung zur Selbstkorrektur
NMT - Neuromuscular Trigger Points
Tension treatment: NMT - Neuro-Muscular Trigger Points Release
Today's everyday life is filled with stress. Pressure in the company, missing employees, deadlines to be met, sedentary and one-sided activities and hardly a break. Day after day, the whole week and the whole year. There is no improvement in sight?
Overstrain and stress arise, followed by blockages and tense areas of the body. Medications such as painkillers and injections of anesthetics for muscle relaxation unfortunately do not solve the problem, they only last a short duration of pain and harm the body and organs.
This is where NMT helps: ischemic compression of myofascial trigger points initially relieves the affected person of the muscular tension and pain of this region of the body. The trigger of this pain is often in a completely different and unsuspected place, our musculature works in muscle chains after all, so usually not a single muscle is responsible. In addition, exercises are trained with the client, which then help his resulting imbalance to a suitable balance.
Travell and Simons refers to a myofascial trigger point is a site of increased irritability in tense fibers of the muscle bundle. The point transmits autonomic phenomena and characteristic pain to other parts of the body. On pressure, the trigger point triggers a soothing pain, the tone yields, adapts and the site experiences a reactive increase in blood flow.
Boxen/ Kick & Thaiboxen/ Stärkung Selbstsicherheit/ Managerboxen
Mental and physical confidence starts with discipline.
Vorzüge eines modernen Box-Trainings nutzen, jedoch die Verletzungsgefahr und den tatsächlichen Kontakt zum Gegner ausklammern. Wahre Powerübungen und echten Boxsporttechniken, um Kraft besser fokussieren zu können. Die Reflexstärkung im Training ist auf Alltagssituationen ebenso übertragbar wie Ausdauer und Beweglichkeit. Koordination und Gesundheit werden extrem gefördert und aufgebaut: einfach alles geben und wohlfühlen.
Lerne Dich zu verteidigen, schlechte Energie im Training loszulassen und zu neuen Höhen aufzuladen!
Boxen ist ein großartiger Sport zum Abnehmen, für einen straffen Körper, zudem ein erstklassiges Ausdauertraining. Box-Training ist GPP "General physical preparation“!
Also serves to strengthen their self-confidence
Nobody wishes to get into situations where one is threatened. People who are trained in self-defense are less likely to be attacked because they have a correspondingly confident aura and could defend themselves in case of doubt. This has been scientifically proven.
The Biomechanical movement school
Posture is the foundation, we start by optimising movement.Firstly, the client's posture is checked. Certain parts of the body are often sub-optimally aligned, e.g. due to sitting a lot every day, little exercise or poorly trained through sport. This poorly balanced posture is analysed, retrained with movement principles, built up and further strengthened in subsequent sessions.
Analysis of movement patterns and posture correction
The analysis of fundamental movement patterns.
It is well known that every human being has different physical prerequisites based on his or her history of injury and predisposition in the genetic makeup. Human movement functions as a system with several functional areas that act in constant dependence on each other and influence each other.
The results provide the information necessary to create individual training plans to target weaknesses, improve movement skills, and create a confident posture.
We analyse your physical profile together and identify existing strengths and weaknesses in your muscles and joints. In doing so, we discover imbalances that could limit your mobility and performance.
2. where do you want to go?
Together we will determine what goals you want to achieve, be it better posture, more muscle strength or optimised mobility.
3. how do you get there?
Training programmes developed by me help you to correct your imbalances, strengthen your muscles, optimise movement patterns and improve your posture in the long term. This will help you achieve a stable and efficient body structure.
In my workshops, under expert guidance and supervision, you will learn how to build a safe and effective programme and apply the basic principles to your goals and concerns.
Falks PT-Lounge
Südallee 41
54290 Trier
Personal Training
With a voucher, all that can change. Whether you want to train flexibility, strength, fitness, boxing or with kettlebells, the offer at Falk is suitable and balanced. The only thing missing is the first step. What could be more appropriate than giving this person a gift voucher? Give your loved ones a nice training gift.
The top priority is a healthy and safe training experience.
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I give all my values and experience for you, accompany you to achieve goals and maintain them in the long term.