Kettlebell Advanced •20.Apr 2024
Take your kettlebell training to the next level. Have you already participated in an "Enter The Kettlebell" workshop, the first step of RKC?
Then you now have the opportunity to learn more advanced techniques such as the One Arm Swing, Clean and Snatch competently and professionally.
The advantages of training with the kettlebell are:
Extreme improvement of the oxygen transport system (cardio) to develop more strength and endurance. Improving glycolytic metabolism for fat loss. Building functional strength, flexibility and mobility, fun and varied workout for home or outdoor.
Kettlebell training is efficiency - training in a shorter time, in combination with quickly noticeable results.
Jeder Workshop eignet sich ebenfalls prima um bereits gelernte Fertigkeiten zu verbessern, Fehler auszumerzen, Upgrading oder um weiter zu perfektionieren.
What to expect:
Ein Kettlebell Advanced ebnet den fortschreitenden Weg um Unilateral (einseitig) sowie Kontraleral (übertragend) zu trainieren. Hiermit setzt du dem Nervensystem neue Reize, steigerst deine Fähigkeiten und Leistung enorm. Du förderst dein Wissen und wirst der übertheorisierten Fitnesswelt voraus sein. Ziel des Seminars ist es, dass die Teilnehmer einen Einstieg in folgende Übungen nach den RKC-Standards bekommen:
- SNATCH the czar among kettlebell exercises
After a short check of the basic exercises Hardstyle SWING and Turkish GET UP, the Kettlebell Advanced Seminar teaches under competent guidance the advanced techniques for a safe and effective training.
Next workshop:
Kettlebell Advanced •20.Apr 2024
10:00 – ca. 13:00 Uhr
3 - 5
for whom
already "Enter The Kettlebell" participation
Falks PT-Lounge
Südallee 41
54290 Trier
Regular price:
Register now
99€(incl. VAT)
Early Bird
Register now
Registration until:
89€(incl. VAT)